"Chain Reaction" Gallery Hotel Indigo

Great reception last night at Gallery Hotel Indigo for "Chain Reaction". I am very proud to be a part of this exhibit. Thank you Didi Dunphy, Hotel Indigo, Larry Jens Anderson, Seana Riley and Everyone who attended!

"Chain Reaction" @ Gallery Hotel Indigo in Athens GA

Chain reaction, a sequence of events leads to a series of actions or reactions creating positive feedback. Seven artists invite seven artists invite seven artists = 21 works of art.
Chains -
Jaime Bull – Abby Gregg – Logan Shirah
Ben Britton – Eric Mack – Bojana Ginn
Jennifer Hartley – Larry Anderson – Seana Reilly
Michele Chidester – Joey Weiser – David Mack
Katherine McGuire – Will Holland – Elizabeth Williams
Spence Townsend – Julia Townsend – Vivienne Varay
Joe Camoosa – Kojo Griffin – Lane Ketner
For more infomation please email
Look forward to seeing you on this month's Third Thursday! January 21, 2016, 6:30 - 8:30 pm